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Alerter Group Coronavirus Statement

Mar 11, 2020

Please see below a statement from Alerter Group in regards to Coronavirus (COVID-19)

As a company, Alerter Group, are closely monitoring the situation regarding the outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19), originating in Wuhan, China.

Across our company, we are regularly reviewing our existing business continuity plans to assess any new information or guidance that may arise. As a result of this, Alerter Group plc is in a strong position to react quickly and efficiently to any updates, particularly in accordance with:

  • Employee Welfare
  • Supply of products
  • Supply of maintenance
  • Logistics

The management of the company regularly examines these plans, updating them where necessary, particularly if a known threat becomes apparent, e.g. Coronavirus (COVID-19). 

It is our intent to make the best possible effort to provide for the continuation of services to our customers. Our response plans will address different levels of the potential impact on the population, and our organisation. 

Currently, our suppliers indicate a very limited disruption to our supply chain. As a company, we have always held significant product stock to cover supply chain distribution. However, to reduce any lead time problems we encourage customers to place orders as early as possible.

Any further information will be posted on our website and social media feeds.

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