Refuge Alerter retrofit with
a site-wide repeater
Dating back to 1515, Hampton Court Palace is a Grade I listed royal palace in the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames. With public access to: the palace, courtyard and formal gardens, Hampton Court is home to millions of visitors each year.
The Challenge
As one of the Historic Royal Palaces, Hampton Court Palace is a listed and heavily protected building. With that in mind, the client required a disabled refuge system that would not only keep their staff and visitors safe in the event of an emergency, but also, one that would not damage the fabric and beauty of the building.
The Solution
In line with the client’s requirements to retrofit a system without disturbing the structural composition of the building, the solution was to install our wireless radio-based Refuge Alerter.
Fitted with an EN54 battery back-up, the system does not require a dedicated power supply, meaning that it can be spurred straight off any available mains. The required number of outstations could then simply be mounted in the desired location(s) and the radio technology could do the rest.
The Result
With system flexibility and a site-wide repeater, we were able to provide ample coverage, bringing all refuge points back to a monitored central location. Overall, this gave the client a reliant and comprehensive system that met their specific requirements.