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Case Study
The University of Manchester

Deaf Alerter & Refuge Alerter

Situated in the North West of England, the University of Manchester is one of the UK’s largest campus-based universities, with over 200 buildings located in the city.

The university provides education to more than 40,000 students, and also has 10,000 staff working there.

Back in 1919, the first university-based training programme for teachers of the Deaf was established here, and the University remains a world leader in this field. Its Manchester Centre for Audiology and Deafness supports research and provides teaching that underpins and delivers improved services in healthcare and education for adults and children with a hearing loss or who are deaf.

Meanwhile, when it comes to student safety, this is a priority for the university – which has invested in systems including Deaf Alerter and Refuge Alerter to help protect students and staff in the event of a fire on campus.



Deaf Alerter


Deaf Fire Alarm


The Challenge

With a large number of buildings on its campus, and a focus on safety and EDI, the University wanted to ensure that staff, students and visitors who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing could receive emergency and evacuation information if a fire alarm was to go off.

The University wanted a bespoke solution that could be used across different buildings. A maintenance package built-in to the solution was also desirable.

The Solution

The solution provided to the University of Manchester was the installation of our Deaf Alerter system across a number of buildings on the campus.

Deaf Alerter is a radio-based emergency fire alarm and messaging system, which works to the International Roaming Standard.

Transmitters have been installed in the majority of learning buildings on campus, with stickers placed on entry doors to signify Deaf Alerter full building coverage.

If a fire alarm goes off in any of these buildings, a priority message will be sent to the Alerters carried by Deaf or Hard of Hearing individuals within, or just outside, the building where the alarm is going off.

When the Alerter receives a message, it will vibrate strongly and display pre-programmed priority information on screen until the fire alarm panel is reset – thereby helping the recipient know when and where to evacuate, as well as knowing when it is safe to re-enter.

The Result

The University of Manchester has now been a Deaf Alerter customer for a number of years.

Since placing its first order for Deaf Alerter transmitters, it has expanded its network to cover even more buildings.

Most recently, Deaf Alerter was installed in its state-of-the-art Manchester Engineering Campus Development (MECD) buildings, which were constructed in 2021. The MECD is the largest construction project ever to be completed by a Higher Education institution in the UK. The installation of Deaf Alerter in the MECD buildings means that anyone who enters one with an Alerter can be confident that in the event of an emergency they will receive alert messages.

We’ve also installed a number of ‘Refuge Alerters’ at the University – find out more about these here.


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