When it comes to fire safety, businesses need to ensure the safety of everyone on their premises.
This includes providing the means for everybody to evacuate to a safe location.
Included in the Regulatory Reform Act (Fire Safety) Order 2005 is that for all premises a ‘responsible person’ needs to ensure that everyone – including people with reduced mobility – is given a suitable and safe way to evacuate in the event of an emergency.
For people with reduced mobility, evacuation chairs can be used to help facilitate such a means of evacuation.
Where are these chairs usually located?
The location of the chairs on any premises should be decided on an individual basis as per the fire risk assessment. Often, as these important pieces of equipment need to be accessed quickly in the event of an emergency, they’re located in or near a refuge area.
Wait… what’s a refuge area?
A refuge area is a relatively safe waiting area within a building, used as part of the wider evacuation process.
In the event of an emergency, people with reduced mobility can temporarily wait in these areas for assistance to safely evacuate.
Refuge areas are also where we can install our Emergency Voice Communication (EVC) system, Refuge Alerter.
Can Alerter Group provide evacuation chairs?
Yes. We’re able to supply and install evacuation chairs for new and existing customers, and help understand how to use them correctly.
We currently provide several types of evacuation chairs, to help meet different customer needs. These include:
– Battery-powered chairs
– Compact chairs (for use in narrow, spiral or non-standard staircases)
– Chairs that can hold a wheelchair.
How can I find out more about Alerter Group’s products?
To find out more about the products we offer at Alerter Group, feel free to get in contact with us.
Our expert sales team colleagues have a comprehensive knowledge of our products and are on hand to help with product enquiries across the UK.