The Equality Act 2010 for Deaf and hard of hearing people – How we can help?
What is the Equality Act 2010?
The Equality Act 2010 provides a legal framework that essentially creates equality for all; protecting individuals from unfair treatment and promotes a fair and more equal society.
There are nine main pieces of legislation that have merged:
- The Equal Pay Act 1970
- The Sex Discrimination Act 1975
- The Race Relations Act 1976
- The Disability Discrimination Act 1995
- The Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003
- The Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003
- The Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006
- The Equality Act 2006, Part 2
- The Equality Act (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2007
Before the Equality Act 2010, the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 was a piece of legislation that worked to protect people with disabilities from discrimination. This act now falls within the Equality Act 2010, which makes it a requirement that reasonable adjustments are made to ensure equal access to all in society – including for Deaf or hard of hearing people.
Who has a responsibility under the act?
Any company, organisation or service provider has a responsibility to ensure anyone protected under the act is treated “favourably and without bias”.
Discrimination can occur when a service that is offered to a person who is not deaf or hard of hearing is not provided to a deaf or hard of hearing person. This would be deemed as treating the deaf or hard of hearing person ‘less favourably’.
For example not providing a means of communication in the event of an emergency or evacuation, this is where a deaf fire alarm could help you meet reasonable adjustment requirements.
How can Deaf Alerter help?
Deaf Alerter® is our radio-based emergency fire alarm and messaging system for Deaf and hard of hearing people. Deaf Alerter helps eliminate potential risks using our unique patented roaming system that allows users to receive emergency messages and communications.
The system uses a transmitter, which is able to send messages to an Alerter device. The Alerter device can be carried by the Deaf or hard of hearing user and has many features that allow the product to not only meet requirements under the Equality Act but also building regulations.
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Our specialist consultants are on hand to help you with any project requirments or questions. We are currently operating video & phone appointments & pricing projects from specification or building plans.